Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Vocabulary sedimentation- the rock glues together and get hard Magma- rock that melted down and became liquid inside the volcano lava- melted rock when it's outside the volcano Sedimentary rock - rock that forms from sediment that gets glue together Metamorphic rock - rock that is formed by heat and pressure. Igneous rock - rock that forms when the lave cools down and gets hard. Solidification - the rock becomes hard. Weathering - rain, wind, ice that breaks the rock into piece. Erosion - when the sediments are take to other places. Sediment - small rocks broke in to small pieces. Compaction - when the rocks became compact. Rock types Igneous Roccks Intrusive- Big crystals Extrusive- Small crystals sedimentary Clastic- just rock pieces crystalline- rock form from liquid bioclastic - death animals or plants metamorphic rock foliated - lines where you can see the separation Non- foliated- plain rock MINERALS Mineral Properties: 1.Luster - Metallic or Non-Metallic 2. Hardness - A measure of how easly of mineral scratches. 3.Color - The color that the mineral looks like. 4. Streak - Powder color of a mineral. 5. Cleavage - Mineral that breaks evenly. 6. Fracture - Mineral that breaks unevenly. 7. Composition - What is inside of the mineral. 8. Other Properties - Ex. Magnetic Mineral Identification: Luster - Metallic Hardness - 3 Color - Bronze brown, Purple, little red. Streak - Grayish Black Composition - Cu5 FeS4 Fracture (Unevenly) Other Properties - Magnetic after heating Mineral - Limonite Luster - Non Metallic Hardness - 4 Color - Brown and yellow Streak - Yellowish brown Composition - FeO(OH)·nH2O Fracture Graphite luster: metallic luster Hardness: 1-2 Cleavage: cleavage composition: C uses: pencil lead, lubricants

Friday, October 12, 2012

About Me

Science is boring. 
I like baseball. 
tests scares me. 
spagettifood is my favorite. 
I will be a teacher when I grow up. 
I have 8 siblings. 
My favorite color is white. 
Watch out your parents. 
I wish I pass 11 grade =D